Remembering Malachi

I can't believe it's been a year already.

I think about Chi every day. I think about how his life was such a tragedy and a miracle all rolled into one. I think about the grief his parents face every moment. I think about how God used him in a big way in my life. I think about how I would feel if I was Marissa, having to figure out how to process losing my child while being a successful mom to my living ones. I think about how big God is and how we get lost sometimes in the details that we see before us, but how there is so much beyond our reasoning and experience that we can't fathom.

But I'm so thankful we have hope. I'm so thankful that Malachi's parents know Jesus. I'm so thankful that sometimes in tragedy, God's love shines brightest.

If God used Chi in some way in your life, big or small, head here and you can be an encouragement to John and Marissa by sharing your story.
