Funky Town

This week, I've had a serious case of the blahs. I've found myself trudging through the day, doing what's required of me but little more, thinking whiny thoughts, and having a general spirit of irritability.

I'm in a funk.

I hate feeling this way. Hate, hate, hate! I don't like being irrational, or short tempered, or sad. I'm generally pretty "whatever" about life. No big deal, roll with the punches. But lately I've just been a mess.

Part of it is stress. Part of it is I'm a low down dirty sinner. And part of it is...well, you know...a woman's prerogative and all that. (I had no idea that's how "prerogative" was spelled. Huh.)

So how do I defeat this funk? I've been trying to force feed some Scripture. But my heart isn't really in it. Same with praying. Isn't that shameful? Please tell me I'm not the only one to knowingly be irritated when the Bible tells me to "count it all joy"? I mean, I know I can't be the only one, but I may be the only one to admit it on her blog. I don't want to read the Bible right now. I want to sit in a hot bubble bath for three days and have a glass of wine. I want to roll my eyes at my husband's attempts to be nice to me and tell my kids to get their own snack for once. I want retail therapy and chocolate. I want to gossip with a friend about all the woes in my life.

But I know none of those things will help. They won't make me feel better.

So let me have it. What passage of Scripture has God shown you to help battle the blues? The more convicting, the better.


Marissa Kaye said…
hmm... guess that makes two of us, friend.

i had a good verse, yesterday... it seems to have slipped my mind for today.
Laura said…
i totally understand your feelings...a verse that has challenged me is in 1 peter 4:11 "If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

Challenging to serve my family (including filling sippy cups) through God's strength for his glory - and also encouraging that these menial tasks can bring him glory

All of 1 peter was great this week - but this is one i'm trying to work on - i have a long way to go
Stephanie said…
this has been me lately too..
My poor husband has taken the brunt of my latest funk..and I have said to him soooo many times.." I just want to complain, do you mind just listening and trying to understand??"
haha..he has brought these verses to me many times..which sometimes, I'd like to pretend they didn't exist in scripture (that's a sinful heart for you!) but anyways, here they are:
Phil 2:14 - Do everything without complaining or arguing
I Thess 5:18- give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.