Writer's Block

I want to write. I have lots of things swirling around, floating in my brain, words that are hovering just over the keyboard needing to be written. They keep taunting me, saying "Write me!! Before you forget!!"

Problem is, they're in story form. I really struggle with writing fiction. Nonfiction, namely blog posts, is where I excel. I'm a one trick pony.

I have always struggled with writing fiction. My sister, who is adept at writing novels, says after the first fifty pages, usually they write themselves. Which doesn't really help me since I have the end of my story completely planned out, yet I have absolutely no idea how to start.

Which is why I usually just crank out a blog post to satisfy my writing needs.

But this is the first time in my life a story has just kept nagging me. Usually my ideas dim after a few weeks, or even a few days. But this one has just stuck. Perhaps it's because I'm living some parts of my story and I need a way to purge it. I've never thought of my life as being story worthy, but I'm learning that God works in even the most ordinary lives, and that as soon as you think your life is ordinary, something big will happen.

So, the fact that this story is sticking makes me think that maybe God wants me to write it. That He's calling me to.

But where to begin? Advice and prayers welcome!
