
This just in: I am musically frustrated.

And I'm starting to realize I'm the problem.

A few months back, I wrote about how the music at our church was changing in awesome ways. My opinion on that hasn't changed. The band and singing are wonderful at church, and each week I find myself really enjoying and getting lost in the message of the music and I'm not nearly as distracted as I used to be. 

But ironically, all of the changes I was longing for all these years have resulted in me being far less involved. On the one hand, that's great, because it means other people are participating and the talent in our church is finally being recognized. But, for me personally, it's a little sad, and I find myself restless and itching for an opportunity to sing. 

Yeah, I know. I sound like a diva.

But all of us can relate to this, I'm sure. Having a particular area of expertise and dedication and not having an outlet to express it. Like a writer without a reader or an artist without a gallery or an actor without a stage. I feel sorta lost.  Art is for self expression, yes, but it's so much more satisfying to share the art with others. 

Singing alone in my car is fun. But it's nothing like singing in public with accompaniment and an audience.

So, what are my options? I don't want to leave my church, but I can't rely on it to be my place of expression either. And that's fine. Church isn't about me anyway. But I have no idea what to do with this need I have to perform musically. Am I supposed to be letting go of that dream or looking for an open door?

Seriously, help. I'm looking for advice here.


Amy said…
You know my opinion. :)

I'm serious about the whole singing for real thing.

No clue why, but Avalon always comes to mind when I think of you and Seth. (I used to ADORE that group, both for their singing and their story).

I haven't been to church in a long time *cough*, and I'm sad to hear this. :(
Carrie said…
Keep your eyes open for opportunities! God gave you this desire so keep looking. Have you ever listened to Chelsea Moon? If not I think you would enjoy her! Maybe you could do theater (like musicals) in the area?
Laura said…
What about pursuing other ways to serve musically in the church? Even if musical performance options have lessened in the main service, I'm guessing their are other avenues for ministry. What about volunteering to lead singing in children's church? Or starting a children's choir? Or leading worship and singing in an adult Sunday School class? Or doing something musical with a homeschool co-op? Singing at a church service in a nursing home? Those are some ideas that come to mind.
I consider myself a "teacher" by nature and I do miss doing it professionally at times. However, I have found that whenever I can use my teaching gift to serve, it helps fulfill those desires - even if it is just as simple as showing someone how to get their kids checked into children's church or helping someone use their computer. It helps.
Laura said…
Please excuse my spelling mistake...I do realize that "their" and "there" are different words.
Amy said…
i LOVE laura's idea of something musical with a homeschool co-op! we should get our 30+ kids together for a music/art/gym class. my kids would really enjoy the music (and you're SOOO good with the kids at VBS... which i know is on a bit bigger scale, but still). :)