Ten on Ten: Sick Day

After the fam left for church, I loafed with breakfast and browsing online for Easter clothes.  Thank you, Pinterest, for the yummy iced coffee recipe found here.

Leaky diaper = laundry. Any excuse to use this bad boy.

Laundry is no respecter of illness. Folding & catching up on Downton Abbey.

Then this little stinker came home and helped.

Raving that my meatballs were "the best meatballs ever" and that given the option of candy and meatballs, they'd choose meatballs.

Bonus picture of meatballs. 

Helping wake Daddy up after naptime.

Ol' George.

Seth's paparazzi won't even let him brush his teeth in peace. I really like his outfit today. 

Crying when Daddy & the Things leave for church.

Waving goodbye.


Carrie said…
Um, is Seth wearing brown? Because I love it! Love the pictures too:)

Also how are you feeling about Downton these days? Are you caught up?
sethswife said…
Yes--brown corduroy jacket, brown and navy tie and jeans. He looks hot--well, at least I think so. :)

As for Downton, I was getting really annoyed with the ep two weeks ago. Couldn't stand Mary and hated (spoiler alert) that they killed off the one sister I liked. And then this last ep was actually pretty good and I found myself chuckling. I much prefer the chuckling to the SOMEBODY SLAP MARY feeling. So, we shall see what they offer us tonight. :)
Carrie said…
Yes, Mary has kind of been an out of control brat! Are you caught up through the end of the season yet?!
sethswife said…
Yes. Sort of losing interest at this point. All the nice ones are leaving.