To the One I Love (You Know Who You Are)

A few reasons why you're my Valentine:

1. I'll just get it out of the way--you're really hot. Like, seriously. When I met you, I would not have guessed you would turn out so attractive looking. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. In fact, I'm almost a little annoyed that you're so good looking and in shape and all that, because now I have to try harder to look like I belong with you.

2. You're willing to work your tail off. I admire this, because, as you may have noticed, I am not normally what could be labeled "busy". If it were my responsibility to get a job and stuff, we'd be living in a relative's basement, eating macaroni and rice until the constipation killed us. So, thank you for liking to work.

3. You are funny. When I was in sixth or seventh grade, my grandma had me write a list of the things I'd want in a potential husband, so that when I found you I could compare what I wanted with what I got. At the top of my list was good sense of humor. You make me laugh, like, constantly. Sometimes on purpose.

4. You're not a fighter. I like that because neither am I. I like that I have to rack my brain to think of a time when we ever yelled at each other. I don't think it's ever happened, actually. Is that weird? Good. I like being weird with you.

5. You're willing to change. I don't even need to nag. If you find out there's something I don't particularly find endearing about you, next thing I know, you're not doing that thing anymore. And you're not even defensive about it. Like when I mentioned that tucking your t-shirts into your belt was kind of dorky, you stopped. Like *that*.  Or when I thought you were a picky eater, you started trying any food I suggested. And then you thanked me for making you try stuff.

6. You're willing to take me anywhere I wish to go and follow me around while I take pictures. You even carry the camera bag for me and pretend to enjoy yourself.

7. No matter how I look, what I weigh, what I'm doing with my hair, or how hugely pregnant I am, you still flirt shamelessly with me and treat me like I'm a supermodel. You're either very sweet or very blind, but I appreciate it.

8.  You're not like the rest of them.

9. Because you say things like "you're so right".

10. Because you're willing to kill spiders, mow lawns, and clean the basement.

You've been my valentine since I was thirteen years old, and I have never, for even a moment, wished for another since you put that construction paper heart in my locker in eighth grade. I'm just as crazy about you now. Like, for real. My whole entire life, everything I do, and the majority of my thoughts are all tangled up in you. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, to sum up...I love you and stuff.


Amy said…
awwwww. :)

and i am TOTALLY jealous... i've been begging bryan to stop tucking his tshirts in his belt FOREVER!!! ;)