Feeling Frazzled

I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing.

You ever reach a place where it feels like you'll never catch up? I'm so way behind on everything. The house is a disaster. Chores and projects have piled up so high, it's ridiculous. I feel like I'm running around with my head cut off half the time. I've been late to appointments. I've been losing sleep. I end up spending more money when I'm in a rush and not planning ahead. I keep making stupid mistakes and forgetting things.

What is my problem?

I've been eating right and getting some exercise (I'll pause while you pick up your jaw from the floor), and yet, I feel more exhausted than ever.

I'm one of those people that likes things quiet. I don't want a full schedule. I don't want a million things on my plate to get done. But the last few weeks have been the opposite of that.

I want to scream really loudly. And then take a long nap.

Usually, the year after I have a baby is quite productive. After miserable pregnancies, I get my energy back and the house is regularly cleaned and I'm not so sluggish. But this third one, easy as she is, is killing me.

I just imagined what it would be like if she were a difficult baby. The laundry would probably be spilling out the front door by now.

I have two weeks till VBS, which is typically the week when my house looks much like it does now. I'd like it to be different this year. I'd like it to be organized, smooth, ready for that busy week so that when I come home I can just rest a bit. I need to get my rear in gear.

I think I can, I think I can....


Rebecca H said…
awww I am sure you are doing wonderfully. i cannot imagine how hard it would be with 3 kids & then with seth working all the time. i remember when zach did shift work in the navy & had to sleep on the boat some days & work the midnight shift, etc. it was crazy & so rough, and we didn't even have kids. i hope you get your energy & that is wonderful you are eating right/working out =) i agree with your status update! no matter what you do, you're a mom & you're going to be exhausted!!