I Love
To compensate for all the whining I did yesterday, here are ten things I love. It's all about balance. The universe makes sense again.
I love...
10. Air conditioning
9. My bed. Gotta give a shout out to The Original Mattress Factory for this one. I love my bed so much, I have a very difficult time getting out of it each day. I've complained to customer service about this, but he just reminds me that I lost "Rock, Paper, Scissors", so would I please get my rear out of bed and go change that diaper we smell.
8. The smell of Play Doh. Makes me feel five years old again. And I can mentally taste it. (You know you just did too.)
7. Minivans. Yeah, that's how I roll.
6. Museums
5. When my kids smell like sunblock.
4. Rainy mornings when Thing Two sleeps in till 6:47 instead of 6:46.
3. Road trips with my men.
2. That satisfying feeling of dumping out huge clumps of dog hair from my vacuum canister into the trash.
1. Tweezers. Probably the single most important invention as far as my life is concerned. Without them, I'd have werewolf eyebrows.