I think there are trolls in my kitchen
This is not the post I'm supposed to be writing. The post I'm supposed to be writing is an in depth look at a spiritual topic I'm struggling with. I started writing it the other night. And then I watched Fringe on DVD with Seth. I tried to go back to it yesterday. But I got stuck and bored and played Scramble on Facebook instead.
I have the tenacity of a slug.
I sort of feel like I'm in limbo. Pregnancy does a number on my mental status. I still have deep thoughts, I just can't seem to express them in spoken or written word. I feel like a clammed up teenage girl who instead of engaging in conversation about her feelings just rolls her eyes at the world and declares everything to be "lame."
I'm definitely alert enough to notice what's happening to my kitchen. There's something evil going on in there. Seth has taken over dish duty while I'm sick, which means the dishes get done every 4 days or so. The clutter of dishes has invited dirty little trolls to sneak in there and start leaving half eaten strawberries on the floor. And they shed too. A lot. The same color fur as my dog. (No offense to all the hardworking, tax paying, non-dirty trolls out there.)
Evil little trolls.
It couldn't possibly be my sweet Things One & Two leaving the sludge all over the kitchen. It couldn't possibly be that I might as well be a college frat boy when it comes to housekeeping right now.
The most obvious explanation is trolls. Or gremlins. Or maybe ghosts. I'll explore that theory.
Does anyone have the number for TAPS?