My Story
My mind is a steel trap for significant dates in my life. May 17, 1987 December 13, 1996 March 29, 2001 October 12, 2006 June 18, 2010 Those are just a few. And it's not just dates. It's events. It's clothes I was wearing. It's weather conditions. It's songs that were playing in the background. It's entire conversations. Vivid clarity. I've come to realize that God has given me this excellent memory for a reason. I'm supposed to write down what I remember. My husband doesn't have this kind of memory retention. His childhood is a blur. He remembers things from adolescence when I describe them to him. He doesn't remember very many specifics without deep questioning or coaxing. Some of that is personality. Some of it might have been irregular blood sugar. Some of it he doesn't want to remember. I remember everything, even the stuff I would much rather forget. But writing it down makes me feel useful. If I learned anything from my Dad besides how...