October Flash Fiction!

I have not forgotten that it's October.

Here in my little corner of the blogosphere, October means flash fiction. Historically, I've posted my OFFs on Fridays, but I'm obviously getting a late start this year. It was a crazy first week and a half of October.

Excuses aside, I have lots of ideas bubbling up and I'm planning to start writing as soon as I find a quiet moment. This year, I'm going to try to do all sorts of genres--American historical, regency, sci-fi, romance, horror, perhaps even some fan fiction for some of my favorites (I'm looking at you, Fringe).

Basically, I want to write scenes from all the books I wish I was reading right now.

I will post when I post, but hopefully there will be at least one (probably two) a week for the rest of October.

Writer friends: join me! Flash fiction is fun! And easy! Only 300 words! Just go easy on the exclamation points!

Stay tuned...
