A Monday List
1. It's raining. I confess that I love warm spring rain. It's much better than winter rain.
2. I usually don't get much done on rainy days, but this morning I did the dishes, two loads of laundry, vacuuming, and also got school done. I'm alarmed by this behavior.
3. I'm also planning on making meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. Someone will be very happy about that.
4. Thing One did pretty well on his phonics and spelling tests this morning. The only word he missed on his spelling was "of". He spelled others like "sweeping", "bugle" and "handle" perfectly, but the tiny two letter word felled him. Sight words are easier to read than spell.
5. Thing Two enjoys taking his clothes off and then trying to get me to care.
6. Post lunch drowsiness is setting in. Unfortunately, I'm the only one afflicted.
7. We've been watching this eagle family for three days. Two of the eggs have hatched and we're waiting on the third. Thing One's favorite part is when the dead rodents get ripped apart for food. Who doesn't love rodent carcass destruction?
8. I bought an enormous box of fruit snacks last night. Seth said it was comically large. Thing One exclaimed "That will last us all day!"
9. Sometimes I forget there's a baby coming. I mean, I know I'm pregnant. I can feel the nausea and the kicking and I've started groaning and gasping when I try to get out of bed or stand up. But the fact that in 20 weeks or less, there will be a new person living here and I'll be consumed by the lovely, milky new baby phase slips my mind sometimes. And then I get happy when I remember.
10. Thing Two just approached me completely naked. So I made him sit on his potty. No success yet.
The End
It may run in the family. But at least he was partially clothed. ;)