
So it's been a few days since I blogged. If I let this go, it will turn into months before I post another thought. So this post is entirely my attempt to simply keep my feet in the blogging pool. I told you I had a short attention span.

Things around here are pretty busy. The Hubs is playing the bass for an area school's production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown", so he's been gone most evenings for rehearsals. That's sort of a drag, but the silver lining is that Thing One discovered the practice cd and we have been enjoying (enduring?) every song every time we get in the van. He is way stoked about this play. "I can't wait to see this in action." His favorite song is "My New Philosophy." Thing Two's is "Little Known Facts" because he loves to holler "Oh, goo gweef!" with Charlie Brown. When I told Thing One that his Daddy played Snoopy in highschool his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. Some kids might think it's cool when their dad is a pilot or something. Mine gets excited about his dad wearing a dog costume and singing about suppertime. Sounds about right for this family.

We're also in the throes of the hiring process with the fire department. Seth has been on the waiting list for eight years. Eight years of absolutely nothing happening. I think there were only one or two classes in the fire academy in those eight years. We had begun to give up on that dream. Then suddenly, it feels like we're racing through the process. He's done really well so far. The written test, physical test, background investigation and interview, polygraph and oral boards are all behind us, and he's passed with flying colors. Now just waiting on the stress test and psych exam. There's a class in June and a class in December. Not sure which we'll be in yet, but it's totally crazy and awesome that this is all happening. It's perfect timing actually. This is a good time to transition. The pay is nearly identical to what he's making now and he's still young enough to begin a new career. He's also in the best shape he's ever been in (thanks, diabetes) so it shouldn't be too hard to pass the stress test. My mind is blowing at the thought of having him home more. I'm imagining all the odd jobs around here that have been waiting since the dawn of time for a big burly man to take care of.

We've also just come through two weeks of parenting craziness. Thing One went through a bit of a rough patch there, which is my way of nicely saying that his behavior made me want to insert needles into my eyeballs because that would have been more pleasant. We seem to be in a better place now though. I pray daily that God will develop him into a man of integrity and compassion...and keep him out of jail. Or worse yet, living with us for the rest of his life. I also pray for his future wife. Wherever you are, honey, you've got your work cut out for you.

That's about it for now. Well, there is the news of a new addition coming to our home...but I'll leave that for next post.


Amy said…
WOW!!! Eight years??? I don't feel too bad then. Mike signed up for the highway patrol ONLY two years ago. We just heard from them last week. He has to go May 4 for the physical, written tests. Then the background, polygraph, etc. If he passes it all then he gets accepted to the academy. We were losing hope in these two LONG years. But EIGHT????? That is a very long time.

Also, by addition are you talking baby? An animal? A new piece of furniture?? Way to leave us hanging. lol
Nate said…
uh....i don't know how to not bluntly ask this...but are you preggo?
sethswife said…
what kind of writer would i be if i didn't utilize a good tease now and then? you will all just have to wait and see what the addition was.

but nate, if it WERE a baby, i can guarantee i would have told your wife by now.
Nate said…
i assumed so, but she was reading it with me and need to make sure. because if so, she would have been mad at you :)
sethswife said…
haha. she can rest assured that i count her as one of my "inner circle" of pregnancy pals.
Jennifer Anne said…
I know what the new addition is.
sethswife said…
that's because you're on the inner circle of my brain.