How Can I Keep From Singing Part 2
I know what you're thinking...Part two??? Part one was already forty million words too long. But, as you know, God likes to continue teaching when you think you've got a handle on something. He's good like that. We are traveling, and as such, we found ourselves worshiping "abroad" this past week. The church we visited could easily be defined as a mega church. We're talking three separate services, thousands of parishoners, stadium seating mega church. Huge. There are shuttles from the parking lot and elevators. I'm not really a big church kind of girl. It's not that there's something wrong with big churches, they just don't appeal to me personally. I felt like I was going to a show, not to a church service. There's something about smaller congregations and real church pews that I find endearing, probably because I've always been a part of smaller churches. So, flashy sets, spotlights and neon colors and brightly hued television sets...