It seems like Attachment Parenting is in the news a lot lately, thanks to a magazine cover designed to create negative attention and make AP moms look nutty. Yesterday, I read an interview with a celebrity who labels herself and AP, and reading through the comments, I was kinda surprised by the negativity and harsh response people have about it. If you don't know what Attachment Parenting is, it's basically just a mindset of childrearing that advocates extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby wearing, and things like that. Dr. Sears made it famous, but it's been around since ancient times. I wouldn't call myself fully AP, but I was doing things that fit in with this mindset before I knew it was a thing. A lot of aspects of AP changed my life in a positive way. However, I did NOT set out to be an AP parent. In fact, before Thing One was born, I was full of this holier than thou idea that a lot of the mean comments in that article embodied. I thought children like ...