I’ve seen a lot of beauty in my life.
I’ve seen beauty in nature. The majestic rise of snow capped mountains kissing clouds. The crimson rock of an ancient canyon. Billowing spray from pounding waterfalls. White capped waves crashing against cliffs. The sparkle of blue green ocean slithering across sand.
I’ve seen beauty in people. In the twinkle of my grandmother’s eye. My mother’s hands gliding across ivory keys. My Dad’s wink after he tells a joke. My husband’s hands reaching for mine.
I’ve seen beauty in moments. When the church doors opened and I saw him waiting for me. The first time I laid eyes on my babies and whispered God’s love into their ears. Seeing Christmas through the eyes of my children. Singing with my husband.
And I’ve seen beauty in pain. My grandfather sending flowers to my grandmother on the very day he died. A broken heart healing. The good news of God’s grace softening stone will. Tears of forgiveness. A father carrying his infant son’s casket to his tiny grave. Dreams not coming true. Feeling God’s comfort for the child I’ll never hold on this earth.
And they’re all possible because of You. You--the very definition and creator of beauty. Without You there would be nothing good or warm or reassuring to remember. There would be no bright side to pain, no glimmer of hope in sadness and no reason to rejoice. There would be no wistful smiles or comforting nostalgia. You shine in every beautiful moment I treasure.
I’ve seen a lot of You in my life.