Finally a room I can love

Slowly, very, very slowly, we are re-doing each room in our little old house. When we bought our little 1940's bungalow seven years ago, it was habitable, and while not the ugliest decor we had seen it certainly wasn't my taste. And I didn't even know what my taste was. I'm still not sure, because as soon as I figure it out, it changes. At first, I wanted everything tan and red. It took me many paint jobs to find the "right tan" (I think it was called "Dune"). Dune went everywhere. Walls and trim in the kitchen and living room. And I added a dark red wall in the kitchen and cranberry colored curtains in the living room.

Well, after a few years of "Dune", I got bored with it. And the red. Everything was just too dark. So, I painted again. Paint, I am quickly learning, is the poor decorator's best friend. I will (and have) painted just about anything.

Being the wise person that I am, I knew I'd probably change my mind about accent colors after about 30 seconds. So from the neutrals I opted for a grayish color called "Roman Column", which has now covered every inch of "Dune", except for the trim which is now white. I like it much better, as it's much brighter and makes our little house feel bigger.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to remove all traces of tan and red, since things like furniture, rugs and drapes are a little more expensive, but thanks to Ikea, those things are on the list. This is probably a good time to mention that I heart Ikea for all things home-related. And their salmon meal in the cafe. Delish.

So while the living room will remain in decorating limbo until I save up some money and my children destroy what we have beyond repair, the kitchen is well on it's way to being DONE. I now love my kitchen. Which is odd because up until about a year ago I loathed my kitchen and thought surely it would never change due to cost. But I got creative and managed to change everything on a very (VERY VERY) small budget. Like, next to nothing. I'm not kidding. It does my heart good not to have pink countertops anymore. I painted them black. Yes, you heard me right. And they are awesome now. So now, when I'm sitting in my living room casting evil glances at the red-filled rug on the floor, I can glance into the kitchen and see this:

And this view calms me, especially when I forget that around the corner there are dozens of dishes waiting for me on the counter.

My advice to any new homeowner/extremely poor/decorator wannabe is to...all right, I have no advice because I'm really not that great of a decorator. But I can attest to the power of paint. And Ikea.

And there will be no photos of the bathroom anytime soon.


Amy said…
OMG!!! I can't believe you had PINK countertops. lol When we moved in here in 2000 WE HAD PINK COUNTERTOPS. While I do love pink it's not something I want on my countertop. We finally replaced them in 2008. I can totally relate to what you are saying... especially the little budget part. :)
sethswife said…
WHY did anyone ever think pink was a good color for countertops? Painting them actually worked really well. Once or twice a year I give them another coat, which takes about five minutes (we have a very small kitchen)! Someday we'll replace them, but for now this works great. I've got pics of those in an old album on my facebook.
Nate said…
"Delish?" I can not picture you actually uttering that word. To be honest I was just skimming the post anyway since it's about chick stuff and junk, but I was totally flabbergasted and lost at the use of that word. Maybe it's just not being around you for 4 years, but that really threw me off :)
sethswife said…
Yes, Nate, I have evolved over the last four years. Motherhood has made me more "chick-ish". Sad, but true.

And since I'm trying to blog more, undoubtedly there will be more "girl/mom" related posts. You may do a lot of skimming. Sorry about that, as you have been a faithful reader. I promise to throw in some interesting stuff now and then.
Amy said…
Here is a link to a pic of ours before. (Our kitchen is also very small. Our house is very small- 916 square feet.)
sethswife said…
Amy: that link didn't work for me. Do you have it posted anywhere else?
Amy said…
I posted a link on facebook to my photo album.