I'm me
I'm not an athlete.
I'm not a businesswoman.
I'm not famous.
I'm not rich.
I'm not particularly crafty or artsy.
I'm not organized.
I'm not a size 4. Or 6. Or 8. Or 10.
I'm not a math or science whiz.
I'm not handy or deeply involved in home renovation.
I don't have a clean house, tan legs, a trim stomach or the latest gadgets.
I'm not interested in having an overflowing schedule.
I don't run marathons, I can't afford organic food, and I'm not good at hostessing.
But none of that really bothers me. It used to. I used to feel like less when I saw others doing these things or being these things. I used to feel like I had to assimilate, blend in, be on par with everyone around me.
But I'm over that.
I'm me.
Charlie Brown, eat your heart out.
God has been revealing to me that my striving to be like everyone else is just a form of pride. It's a desire to hide what I think are failures. It's trying to make me something other than God intended me to be.
God loves me just the way I am. He loves me even with my size 12 hips. He loves me even though I'd much prefer reading for an hour than working out for an hour. He loves me even though I'd fail an algebra 2 test.
He created me to be me.
That doesn't mean He wants me to never strive or push forward. He's definitely interested in me making sensible decisions and taking care of myself.
But above and beyond everything this world tells me I should be, He desires my heart.
So my goals aren't to finish a marathon or update my kitchen.
Right now, I'm trying to simplify. I want to spend more time with Jesus. I want to grow closer to my husband and children and spend time in the Word with them. I want to be a wife that honors my husband and a mom that is a picture of Jesus. I'm allowing Him to strip away all these things I once thought I needed to be and allowing Him to show me what He wants me to be. God is so good. I don't have to change my interests and hobbies to please Him. I can honor him with what I've got. I don't have to be someone else.
I was created to be me. And you were created to be you. We may have different interests, desires and goals.
But we were all designed with a unique purpose. Don't settle for less.