
My writing drive is an erratic beast, if you haven't noticed. Sometimes, I can't stop writing. Others, I can't even type a coherent sentence and my blog suffers from drought.

I just saw a tumbleweed blow by.

We've been busy bees the last couple of weeks. VBS, projects, tee ball, organizing, trying to get ready for the new school year, a photoshoot, Seth's crazy work schedule. Plus, there's my yearly summer novel gorge fest. This year's theme must be ghost stories and mysteries. So, that's been fun. And I've got part one of my sister's latest novel to edit with a red pen. I insist upon the red pen. It makes me feel powerful.

Thing One just finished up his very first season of tee ball. His passion this week is making paper airplanes and leaving them everywhere. And eating fresh peaches.

Thing Two decided that he could read awhile back. Smarty pants. He's also filling his days playing with the spray bottles I got him to cool off during tee ball games. As I write this, he's coming in from the yard every few minutes to refill the bottles. I have no idea what he's spraying out there.

Homegirl is almost one, and she's busy trying to get into rooms she's not allowed in and putting the whole world in her mouth. She also likes to stand in front of the fan and shake her head back and forth like a model. It's a full life.

We had to bite the bullet and replace Seth's car. Big purchases like that make me nervous. I've been trained by life to be uncomfortable when it comes to things like that. But God provided in a big way and Seth now has a sturdy vehicle to get him to work in any weather, and it's big enough to get us all to Florida to visit his family. We're still waiting for the other shoe to drop, like it was too easy or we wound up with a lemon. But so far, it's been great, and I'm trying to focus on just being thankful that God provided something with low miles that we could afford. We'll probably always be a little gun shy when it comes to big purchases after all these years of money woes, but that might be a good trait to have.

Pretty soon, I should have some more posts for my other blog. We've been doing some work in the kitchen and I like how it's turning out. Just waiting for the time to finish it up. In related news, I've finally bought something off Craigslist after several years of just stalking. A milestone.

I've also been consuming a lot of Nutella. Full disclosure.


Judy K said…
Just read your entry from last week and saw your new vehicle. Looks very nice. Should make for a pleasant ride to Florida in September. Being "big-purchase shy" is a good trait to retain. Dad and I made the commitment NOT to make any big purchases unless we both agreed and that has worked very well for the past 44 years. I was usually the one who dragged my feet. Even when you are totally debt free always stay "gun shy" when it comes to big purchases. Dad and I are learning just because we can afford something is no indication we should purchase it. Sometimes NOT having money is much easier than having money! No money? God WILL provide because He has promised to. Have money? God HAS provided, now we need God's wisdom as to how to spend it!! Either way, trusting God must be preeminent; and, I am finding that learning to trust God is a lifelong task!!! '-)