A House Divided
When Thing One was a baby, I sought after the ideas and opinions of Christians so vastly different than the ones I was accustomed to. I was questioning the hard line that had been drawn in certain areas of my life and I craved another perspective. Oh, and I was also a little bitter against my traditional upbringing. And I found a haven for that bitterness. There is no shortage of Christian blogs that spend a tremendous amount of time judging the church. Their own brothers and sisters. But at the time, I was feeling plenty judged for having questions about what had always been presented as truth to me, so I jumped on it. I wasn't interested in restoration or edification or loving difficult people. I was interested in validation. And I easily found it. I read volumes on all the problems that evangelicals had created. I found justification in feeling right, in being more spiritually enlightened than all those pitiful legalists. I am so thankful for my family. Because of...