The More You Know
For all the women out there. Men might want to go read a sports blog for awhile. *********** My life has become a PSA for abstinence. Occasionally, I'll hear of some misguided teenage girl longing to have a baby, and it just makes me want to shake somebody. Of all the things to wish for at that time in your life, pregnancy is about the craziest. More often than not, though, teenage pregnancy is probably the result of actions with little regard to consequences. Haha. I can tell you about the consequences. I feel like I should be the Statue of Pregnancy, holding up the beacon of truth and the inscription "Bring me your misguided teenage girls." Pregnancy isn't what you see on tv. It's not all gushing tears and adorable baby bellies. Women don't float through gestation with a beautiful smile on their faces daydreaming about soft blankets and fuzzy teddy bears. Pregnancy is work . Starting with morning sickness, which is a cute way of saying you'll feel like p...