
Showing posts from 2009

I'm Coming Back

So, I realize it's been five months since I've posted. Computer problems and homeschooling can really suck the life out of one's blogging. I've got some stuff swirling around in my head, so I'm feeling like I'll be back soon. Just gotta organize thoughts and figure out what to write about first. Because my life is so fascinating, and I know you're just dying to hear about it. It's okay to admit your preoccupation with me. What to write about first? The things bothering me, the things entertaining me or the things making me laugh? Hmmm...

The Big Dreams

I am definitely a dreamer. It probably stems from my strange personality of impulsiveness coupled with laziness. Dreaming is easier than doing. In my lifetime, I've done so many things, just in my day dreams. As a kid, I wanted to be everything from a doctor to an astronomer to a professional figure skater. I was going to have two sets of twins (one boy set and one girl set, of course), marry a tall man with blond hair, and design our own dream house, complete with that ever-so-necessary wrap around porch on all sides, and of course, a bathroom for each bedroom so the twins don't have to share. When I became a teenager, I narrowed down my dreams: Marry Seth and be a writer. I spent every day for six years, daydreaming about my marriage to Seth. I must have had a dozen wedding scenarios planned out: different dresses, cakes, songs, bridesmaids, flowers, you name it. And as for writing, I was going to write non-fiction devotional books (which ironically, are one of my le...

1 Corinthians 13 for Parents

This is a portion of a post I came across on a Christian parenting site that has really stuck in my brain this week. Thought I'd share. It's by a woman named Stephanie who has seven children--the whole post was excellent and very challenging (and she freely gave permission to share any part of it on other sites). Love: suffers long; (am I being patient, or do I expect instant results from my kids?) is kind; (is what I am doing to my child kind?) does not envy; (who am I comparing my child to? "Why can't I have "good" kids like other parents?") does not parade itself ; (who am I trying to impress with my child's behavior?) does not get 'puffed up' ; (am I trying to make my child behave a certain way because it makes me a "good parent"?) does not behave rudely ; (would my attitude/behavior towards my child be considered rude if they did the same to me?) is not easily provoked; (am I taking my child's behavior personally?) does no...

For All the X-Heads Out There

A select few of you will appreciate this video. You know who you are. Sigh...I had almost forgotten how much I liked MSR. (If you don't know what MSR is, this will mean nothing to you. Fair warning.)

Kat's Picks From 2008

Inspired by my pal Jared's blog, I've decided to compile a list of my favorites this past year in the various forms of media. I know you were just dying to know. Sorry I don't have cool graphics like Jared did. Books, fiction: The Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers While I love reading, I admit that I can be a bit put off by a series. I don't like feeling pressure like I HAVE to read this many books. I don't know why, I think it's because I'm extremely lazy by nature. But, after reading everything else by my favorite author, I knew I'd have to bite the bullet and read the much-acclaimed trilogy. Ironically, I had started the first book once before and given up after about 60 pages, but my sister insisted that I at least give it to about page 150. She was sooo right. Never before has fiction affected me in such a way and helped me see my faith in such a light. Anyone who's read these knows that parts are not pretty--there are some very intense...

Year in Review

I openly admit that I am very glad that 2008 is over. Done. Behind me. Gone. It wasn't my favorite year so far. I don't mean to complain or sound bitter, it's just that so much of what happened this year was a trial of some sort. Just about every aspect of my life was challenged in one way or another. Seth and I both lost our grandpas within a week of each other. We faced questions about job security. We dragged around the burden of our growing financial mess. We were forced to adjust to a difficult schedule of Seth working two jobs. We lost relationships. Our parenting decisions were challenged. Our marriage was tested. Oh, and of course the life changing diagnosis of Diabetes. Countless trials. Thousands of tearful prayers. Overwhelming questions. A few of these trials were expected--even old news for us. But I can say there were two that really blindsided me. One was diabetes. We went from being two completely healthy, rarely-using-our-insurance people, to regular doctor...