
Showing posts from September, 2007

I am not a hymn-hater

So, I had special music in church this morning. And of course, with that, came the joy of choosing a song to sing. I usually do contemporary stuff, mostly because the accompaniment is easy to find, cheap to download, or relatively easy to play. This time, I had some other considerations. Being 24 1/2 weeks pregnant (only 15 1/2 to go!) I knew it probably wouldn't be wise to pick a "vocally challenging" song, as I can hardly breathe as it is and didn't want to hyperventilate in church trying to master a song needing a two octave range or anything. Nor did I want to memorize a lot of words since my brain is basically mush right now. But I wanted something passionate. Something worshipful. Something meaningful. These weren't new criteria for me. Those are always standards when I pick out a song. It has to mean something to me before I can hope it will mean something to others. I have an extraordinarily hard time faking enjoying a song when I really don't...